YOU Queensland Pty Ltd

NDIS Service Agreement

Support Coordination/Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

1. Parties

This Service Agreement is for:

a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (client), and is made between:

2.    The NDIS and this Service Agreement

This Service Agreement is made for the purpose of providing supports under the clients NDIS plan.

A copy of the clients NDIS Plan is/is not attached to this Service Agreement. The parties agree that this Service Agreement is made in the context of the NDIS, which is a scheme that aims to:

  • support the independence and social and economic client of people with disability; and

  • enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.

NDIS plan to be provided to YOU Queensland.

3.     Schedule of supports

YOU Qld agrees to provide the client assistance with Support Coordination . We agree to provide you supports as set out in the Schedule/s of Supports. The supports and their prices are set out in the Schedule/s of Supports as applicable. The Schedule/s of Supports can be updated as and when your support requirements change, or when your NDIS Plan changes, to reflect your current support needs at a specific point in time.

All prices are GST inclusive (if applicable) and include the cost of providing the supports. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has set the prices for each support and they may change from time to time.

YOU Queensland will apply price increases in line with updates to the NDIS Price Guide. Additional expenses (that is, things not included as part of your NDIS supports like entrance fees, event tickets, meals) are your responsibility and these are not included in the price for the support set by the NDIA.

Your Schedule/s of Supports may change from time to time, as agreed with you or your representative. So that we can make sure you receive the services you need, we require some important information contained within your NDIS Plan. You can provide us a copy of your plan, or you can show us your plan during a meeting with your YOU Queensland representative. You can also choose not to provide your plan to us, and just provide the specific information we need in order to deliver your supports.

4.    YOU Qld Responsibilities

YOU Qld agrees to:

  • review the provision of supports at least annually with the client;

  • YOU Qld Pty Ltd will put the client at the centre of decision making in all aspects of their life and support clients to actively participate in their community and pursue their interests and goals;

  • Where required, staff will identify and provide referrals and linkages to services and activities that will enhance people’s community participation and provide support and assistance to help clients access these. See YOU Qld’s Providing Information, Advice and Referrals Policy and Procedure;

  • Where possible, YOU Qld Pty Ltd services should support clients to develop and maintain independence, problem solving, social and selfcare skills appropriate to their age, developmental stage and cultural circumstances;

  • YOU Qld Pty Ltd will work collaboratively with disability specific and mainstream services to provide holistic service delivery to its clients;

  • YOU Qld Pty Ltd will use a strengths-based approach to identifying individual client needs and life goals, particularly in relation to recognising individuals’ capacity to develop their independence, problem solving, social and self-care skills;

  • Services will be delivered in a way that respects the client’s gender, sexuality, culture, religion and spiritual identity;

  • YOU Qld Pty Ltd will provide services that support the client’s dignity of risk;

  • Staff will recognise that people can communicate their choices, likes and dislikes in many ways, including: verbal communication, withdrawal, acting out, engagement and disengagement, aggression, excitement, despondency and joyfulness;

  • Staff will work with clients and adapt to their individual needs as they change over time, regardless of the frequency or cause;

  • YOU Qld Pty Ltd will take all practicable measures to ensure that carers are involved in service delivery to the client;

  • give the client information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of YOU Qld cancellation policy;

  • listen to the client’s feedback and resolve problems quickly;

  • provide [the client] with the supports we have agreed to provide, at the agreed time, and in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law; keep our scheduled appointments with [the client], or give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice if we need to make a change to a scheduled appointment;

  • give the client the required notice if YOU Qld needs to end this Service Agreement (see "Ending this Service Agreement" below for more information);

  • protect the client's privacy and confidential information;

  • keep accurate records on the supports provided to the client; and

  • will issue invoices and statements of the supports delivered to the participant as per the NDIA  Terms of Business for Registered Providers as requested

5.     Responsibilities of the client/client representative

The client / client representative agrees to:

  • inform YOU Queensland about how they wish the supports to be delivered to meet the client needs;

  • respect other people’s rights to a safe, secure and comfortable environment;

  • treat other clients, staff and volunteers with fairness, honesty and respect;

  • respect other people’s rights to privacy and confidentiality;

  • follow the programs’ policies and procedures as they relate to clients and access to support;

  • talk to YOU Queensland if the client has any concerns about the supports being provided;

  • give YOU Queensland the required notice if the client cannot make a scheduled appointment, noting that if the notice is not provided, YOU Queensland   cancellation policy will apply;

  • give YOU Queensland the required notice if the client needs to end this Service Agreement (see 'Ending this Service Agreement' below for more information); and

  • let YOU Queensland know immediately if the client NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan, or the client stops being a participant in the NDIS.

7.     Changes to this Service Agreement

If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this Service Agreement will be in writing, signed and dated by the parties.

8.     Ending this Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement they must give 1 Months notice. If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.

9.     Feedback, complaints and disputes

If the client wishes to give YOU Queensland feedback or is not happy with the provision of supports and wishes to make acomplaint, the participant can;

  • phone: 0401 510 235

  • email:

  • post: PO Box 131 Maryborough Qld 4650

If the client is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, at any time, they can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission. Complaints to the NDIS Commission can be lodged:

  • online at; or

  • by phone on: 1800 035 544.

10.     Goods and Services Tax (GST)

For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that:

  • a supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included, under subsection 33(2) of the NDIS Act, in the client's NDIS Plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;

  • the client'sNDIS Plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the supports are provided; and

  • the client/client representative will immediately notify the provider if the client's NDIS Plan is replaced by a new plan or the clientstops being a participant in the NDIS.

11.     Cancellation Policy

If a participant makes a short-notice cancellation, which is less than 2 clear business days before the service, the provider may charge up to 100% of the agreed price for the cancelled appointment. A fee may be charged against a participant plan up to 12 times per year for personal care and community access supports. Beyond this threshold, the NDIA will require the provider to demonstrate they are taking steps to actively manage cancellations.

For other cancellations, where the participant has provided notice of cancellation prior to 2 clear business days before the scheduled service, providers may not charge a cancellation fee.

Where the client attends for only part of the scheduled service, without notice, payment for the entirety of the booked service may be charged.

Where the client fails without notice to attend for the planned service, YOU Queensland will make every effort to contact the client and/orCarer/guardian to confirm the planned attendance.

  • Where notice is given with less than 2 clear business days, YOU Queensland will try where possible to offer and book the scheduled service to an alternative client.

  • Where the service cannot be offered to an alternative client, the hours of service may be forfeited by the original client and YOU Queensland will be paid as per the scheduled fee as if the service had occurred.

  • For instances where YOU Queensland initiates the cancellation of a service due to operational reasons, the service will be rescheduled at no penalty to either party.

  • Should either party wish to end the Service Agreement they must give one month’s notice. If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.

  • All new Service Agreements between clients and YOU Queensland will include details of advice periods for cancellations and possible forfeit of the booked service.

  • If a client breaches their responsibilities under the service agreement and policies YOU Queensland will provide information and feedback to the client involved with the aim to prevent further breaches.

  • This will include providing the client with written details of the incident/breach and a copy of the policy involved. This will constitute a first warning to the client.

  • YOU Queensland will provide the client with a 7 day period of right to reply.

  • YOU Queensland will offer and arrange independent professional mediation on client agreement.

  • If YOU Queensland policy and procedure is not upheld by the client after the first warning and following independent mediation (if agreed upon) YOU Queensland will exercise it’s right to cancel service provision.

  • In the instance of cancellation of service YOU Queensland will follow it’s exiting client’s policy.

Notice Period before Scheduled Service Action Fee

  • Where Reasonable Notice is provided, there will be no penalty and YOU Queensland will reschedule the service with the client.

  • Where the client provides Short Notice the client forfeit its the service if it cannot be offered and booked to another client and YOU Queensland is paid as if the Service occurred. As per scheduled service fee.

  • Where the client provides No Notice (No Show) the client forfeits the service and YOU Queensland is paid as if the Service occurred. As per scheduled service fee.

Provider Travel

Provider Travel - Labour Costs (Time)

Where a provider claims for travel time in respect of a support then the maximum amount of travel time that they can claim for the time spent travelling to each participant (for each eligible worker) is 30 minutes in MMM1-3 areas

  • YOU Queensland will charge 30 mins as per the NDIS Prcing arrangements in MMM 1-3 areas. 

  • This cost will be 30 minutes as per the hourly rate below. 

12. Contact details

The Client Representative can be contacted on:

Client Representative 1
Client Representative 2

YOU Qld can be contacted on:

The Service Agreement will extend 6 weeks beyond the above end date to allow for supports to be delivered in the event, a new plan is not obtained in a timely manner or the service agreement is requiring update due to a new plan.

Price & Payment Information

All prices will be adjusted if there is any change in the NDIS price guide during the service agreement period. 

You acknowledge that there may be a window between a new plan being rolled and the time it takes for both parties to sign a new Schedule of Supports. You agree that YOU Queensland can bill (to a maximum of six weeks) for services provided pertinent to the new plan whilst it makes reasonable attempts to obtain a signature from the relevant party (participant, appointed family member, guardian, Office of Public Guardian etc.). If, after six weeks, a Schedule of Supports signed by both parties is not in place, YOU Queensland will suspend services until such time as the signed Schedule of Supports is in place.

YOU Queensland reserves the right NOT to provide service or to cancel any future appointments for the client if you do not have sufficient funds in your plan or the plan expires. Any service fees not met by NDIS will be covered by your client/client representative.

14. Agreement signatures

The parties understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.

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Draw signature|Type signatureClear